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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by Varg » Wed Nov 02, 2011 3:48 am

DaVo wrote:
Varg wrote:
kylervk wrote:scene politics/business < everything else about setting up/going to shows

Davo and Varg's bickering... blah blah blah, who cares?

Mews is still the best thing Des Moines has going... you know, until we get another DIY spot

How the hell do you figure VM is DIY?
Man, are you thick. He said "Until we get another DIY spot." as in another venue. Also to a degree there have been a number of show that were promoted by DIY promoters and bands. They just so happened to be at the Mews Not much different then kids putting on a show at a hall. The same could be said of most of the venues in this city.

Man, are you a retarded fat sack of shit. When somebody says "another" and it's only preempted by "the mews" it indicates that he is referring to "the mews". Do you not understand how sentence structure works? No you don't. You don't know how to spell either- ref.: "show" (singular) and "then", lol.
I don't know any of these "DIY" promoters, but I do a whole bunch of Do NOTHING promoters that seem to have the town on lock-down. What constitutes a "DIY" band? Maybe the better question is, what local bands are NOT "DIY"? **For all you youngsters out there, this is an example of why you should stay in school and not drink or do drugs.

Quit ruining threads with your stupid bullshit you aging hipster faggot. Get the fuck off this board. You're like 50. Jesus Christ. We get it dude, you failed as a musician and human and you're clinging desperately to the last shards of a scene that use to be your life. Nobody gives a shit about your 'pearls of wisdom'- you are of no relevance. Go read Passman's book again and then tell everyone how they can "manage their own band" and "DIY" and what "being fully recouped" entails and fart blossom and all that shit.

dude not even kidding- just google search aging hipster and this is what you find:


hahahahahhahahahahaha HOLY SHIT!!!!
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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by DaVo » Wed Nov 02, 2011 5:49 am

Varg wrote: Man, are you a retarded fat sack of shit. When somebody says "another" and it's only preempted by "the mews" it indicates that he is referring to "the mews". Do you not understand how sentence structure works? No you don't. You don't know how to spell either- ref.: "show" (singular) and "then", lol.
I don't know any of these "DIY" promoters, but I do a whole bunch of Do NOTHING promoters that seem to have the town on lock-down. What constitutes a "DIY" band? Maybe the better question is, what local bands are NOT "DIY"? **For all you youngsters out there, this is an example of why you should stay in school and not drink or do drugs.

Quit ruining threads with your stupid bullshit you aging hipster faggot. Get the fuck off this board. You're like 50. Jesus Christ. We get it dude, you failed as a musician and human and you're clinging desperately to the last shards of a scene that use to be your life. Nobody gives a shit about your 'pearls of wisdom'- you are of no relevance. Go read Passman's book again and then tell everyone how they can "manage their own band" and "DIY" and what "being fully recouped" entails and fart blossom and all that shit.

dude not even kidding- just google search aging hipster and this is what you find:

hahahahahhahahahahaha HOLY SHIT!!!!
I always find it interesting that people in their 20s seem to think that they are doing something cutting edge and important but too often it is nothing more than another retro rehash of something that happened long before they were born. Sure I understand the generational thing but the fact is I always felt like I was late to the game and it was my interaction with those that came before me, that were some of the most interesting parts of the whole experience.

I don't know if your anger comes from the fact that you were born too late or because I've pointed out that you are full of shit. You see maybe I'm different in the mind set that I've never seen failure as a bad thing. Though if you really knew anything about me, you would know that I did things until they no longer interested me. I was in a band until I really didn't want to do it. I promoted shows and did some talent buying until it no longer interested me. I was involved with a Public Access show until it no longer interests me. Is that failure?

You see I didn't learn about DIY from some book, I learned it from either doing it myself or from other people that did things like promoted show, booked tours, started music venues, managed bands, started labels, put out fanzines, etc... Some of them were very successful and some of them weren't but the thing was they were all richer from the experience. Even the most bitter ones were willing to share their knowledge and help out when they could and none of them were whinny prejudice little bitches like you. You are a little man with a big mouth, nothing more than a troll, who when all your evil plans for setting the world on fire have failed, will be a bitter chewed up numb, who refuses to accept blame for your failures or learn from your experiences.

If your tone on this board is any indication of who you are, the only success that you will ever have is as a leech sucking off the talent of others. I don't think you truly understand the meaning of living life on your own terms or being prepared to face what the outcome of that will be. Your a middle man, average and at best, a boring troll, who can't see past his own self inflicted importance to contribute anything of worth.

I'm not clinging to anything. I've been a member of this form since it first came about and you know what when petty twits could find no other argument to mine, they brought up how I was close to 30 and so old. Now they are all about at that age and most of them are long gone. I was never a hipster, I just happened to be lucky and be in the right place at the right time more than a few times. This was in part because of the people I was lucky enough to have in my life. Even then it was about being around people that I wanted in my life and doing things I wanted to do. That really hasn't changed. There was a time when the term "Hip" meant knowledge now it just means the latest fad. Oh and boy, I wouldn't give up the knowledge I have to be young and "hip" like you.

The fact is that your post was stupid and petty. You are either stupid or you are just trying to be an asshole. I think the statement "Mews is still the best thing Des Moines has going... you know, until we get another DIY spot" is very clear. kylervk is not saying that VM is a DIY spot but is stating that he feels that VM is the best thing DSM has going until someone starts another DIY venue. Which I may point out has been a while. As far as not knowing any of these DIY promoters, even being as out of the loop as I am, I can think of at least two cases, DMHCC and Matt. Though the venues they are using aren't DIY, they are promoting their shows and not doing them for profit.

That is all I care to share with you on the subject, now fuck off youngsters, the adults are talking.
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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by kylervk » Wed Nov 02, 2011 1:07 pm

DaVo wrote:I think the statement "Mews is still the best thing Des Moines has going... you know, until we get another DIY spot" is very clear. kylervk is not saying that VM is a DIY spot but is stating that he feels that VM is the best thing DSM has going until someone starts another DIY venue.
DaVo wins that one

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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by joseph » Wed Nov 02, 2011 1:54 pm

varg- did you show up to the impaler show with another person towards the end about right before impaler was gonna play then tried to haggle with the door guy and leave?

im not positive it was you, i was sitting at the bar and didnt get a good look.

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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by kurtis » Wed Nov 02, 2011 3:05 pm


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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by inx515xhell » Wed Nov 02, 2011 6:59 pm

DaVo wrote:born too late

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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by MATT MUTT » Wed Nov 02, 2011 7:31 pm

DaVo wrote:You see I didn't learn about DIY from some book, I learned it from either doing it myself or from other people that did things like promoted show, booked tours, started music venues, managed bands, started labels, put out fanzines, etc... Some of them were very successful and some of them weren't but the thing was they were all richer from the experience. Even the most bitter ones were willing to share their knowledge and help out when they could and none of them were whinny prejudice little bitches like you. You are a little man with a big mouth, nothing more than a troll, who when all your evil plans for setting the world on fire have failed, will be a bitter chewed up numb, who refuses to accept blame for your failures or learn from your experiences.
This is exactly right!

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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by Varg » Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:14 am

DaVo wrote: Cock-envy issues.

Are you serious with this shit? Get over yourself. Nobody was asking for your "help" or "advice". Nobody ever does. So do you know what it's called when you offer advice that's not asked for? I don't think you do. But what's even worse than that, is that I don't think you even understand that it's unwanted. It's like you have Aspergers syndrome. That's seriously all I can think when I read the stupid, patronizing, remedial shit that comes out of your mouth.
I've said it countless times, your "advice" or experience or whatever you think it is/wish to call it, is nothing that anybody here doesn't already know. I love how you just pat yourself on the back for all the "talent buying" (lol, so faggy) and promoting you've done and think it's something to be proud of.
I did all that shit in HIGH-SCHOOL. I booked shows, talked with promoters, venue owners, was getting our shitty band played on LAZER etc. etc. I even booked a tour out to the West-coast and back during one summer which included two shows in LA- one at the Whiskey (that's right, the Whiskey) and one at the Keyclub or Knitting Factory- don't remember it was so long ago. I've never in my life felt the need to bring that up until now- and I'm only doing it to prove what a pedestrian "accomplishment" it really is. Anybody with a phone and a 3rd grade education can do this shit. You don't impress anybody with your nothing accomplishments and your pseudo-MB intellect. I thought this was all common sense, but I guess I just don't know what it's like to live with Aspergers.

(If you really do have Aspergers, tone this down by about 50%)

joseph wrote:varg- did you show up to the impaler show with another person towards the end about right before impaler was gonna play then tried to haggle with the door guy and leave?

im not positive it was you, i was sitting at the bar and didnt get a good look.

Haggle? No. We were meeting a friend there, didn't give a fuck about any of the bands and just asked if we could sit at the bar since the show was basically over anyway. Guy, in a long drawn out way, said no, so we just went next door. Good fucking call on that too, because I hadn't been to that place in years. Finally got to have some good Belgium beer again. Didn't really bother me or him any, cool to see you making a deal of it though.
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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by DaVo » Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:12 am

Varg wrote:
DaVo wrote: Cock-envy issues.

Are you serious with this shit? Get over yourself. Nobody was asking for your "help" or "advice". Nobody ever does. So do you know what it's called when you offer advice that's not asked for? I don't think you do. But what's even worse than that, is that I don't think you even understand that it's unwanted. It's like you have Aspergers syndrome. That's seriously all I can think when I read the stupid, patronizing, remedial shit that comes out of your mouth.
I've said it countless times, your "advice" or experience or whatever you think it is/wish to call it, is nothing that anybody here doesn't already know. I love how you just pat yourself on the back for all the "talent buying" (lol, so faggy) and promoting you've done and think it's something to be proud of.
I did all that shit in HIGH-SCHOOL. I booked shows, talked with promoters, venue owners, was getting our shitty band played on LAZER etc. etc. I even booked a tour out to the West-coast and back during one summer which included two shows in LA- one at the Whiskey (that's right, the Whiskey) and one at the Keyclub or Knitting Factory- don't remember it was so long ago. I've never in my life felt the need to bring that up until now- and I'm only doing it to prove what a pedestrian "accomplishment" it really is. Anybody with a phone and a 3rd grade education can do this shit. You don't impress anybody with your nothing accomplishments and your pseudo-MB intellect. I thought this was all common sense, but I guess I just don't know what it's like to live with Aspergers.

(If you really do have Aspergers, tone this down by about 50%)

joseph wrote:varg- did you show up to the impaler show with another person towards the end about right before impaler was gonna play then tried to haggle with the door guy and leave?

im not positive it was you, i was sitting at the bar and didnt get a good look.

Haggle? No. We were meeting a friend there, didn't give a fuck about any of the bands and just asked if we could sit at the bar since the show was basically over anyway. Guy, in a long drawn out way, said no, so we just went next door. Good fucking call on that too, because I hadn't been to that place in years. Finally got to have some good Belgium beer again. Didn't really bother me or him any, cool to see you making a deal of it though.
Well, I guess that proves it, anyone with a 3rd grade education, a phone and a shitty band can play the Whiskey on a Tuesday night. Brings us back to that whole talent buyer subject again. They are just filling dates.

Aspergers? really? Have you ever spent anytime with someone that has Aspergers? Because it is clear that you have once again completely misunderstood the meaning of yet another big word. I have in fact had clients and people in my life that have been both HFA and those that have had children with LFA and once again my first hand experience and knowledge has to point out the fact that you once again missed the bucket on yet another cheap shot.

I find it funny that you claim to be some spoke person of this community but at the same time claim to have not been inside a venue that hosts a great deal of the shows this community supports in "years". Even in my current grumpy old man phase I've been there three or four times this year and to at least 3 or 4 other local venues a number of times. Could this mean that I'm in fact more active in the local scene then you are? That I am in my old age more active than you are? God that is pretty fucking lame. I'm sure you have all kinds of reasons like you are working on your super important band, writing that great American novel or your bad taste in music is not being represented at the venues or some other pile of pig shit but I'm guessing it's cause you suck. Face it you are just another full of shit nobody.

Fact is that I enjoy sharing knowledge, like to help others out and if I can point out that you are being a moron while I'm doing that, all the better. Even though, I'm sure a number of people on this message board and in the scene can tell an account of me being a complete asshole to them or someone they know. Most of them know that if they asked for help and I can provide it, I will. If they need advice, I give it freely. Sorry if the old man hanging out and sharing his opinion, knowledge and insight bums you out but I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. I've been here a long time, had some great times and have no plans on going quietly into the night.
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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by Shamone Jackson » Thu Nov 03, 2011 5:22 am

Lets settle this . Enough bs talk !

Brutal old school - fucking fist fight.

Varg VS Dave-o

venue ?

wagers ?

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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by elliot » Thu Nov 03, 2011 7:49 am

Varg wrote:patronizing
Varg wrote:(that's right, the Whiskey)

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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by DaVo » Thu Nov 03, 2011 2:30 pm

Got the prefect job for you Varg -
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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by joseph » Thu Nov 03, 2011 2:40 pm

Varg wrote:[
joseph wrote:varg- did you show up to the impaler show with another person towards the end about right before impaler was gonna play then tried to haggle with the door guy and leave?

im not positive it was you, i was sitting at the bar and didnt get a good look.

Haggle? No. We were meeting a friend there, didn't give a fuck about any of the bands and just asked if we could sit at the bar since the show was basically over anyway. Guy, in a long drawn out way, said no, so we just went next door. Good fucking call on that too, because I hadn't been to that place in years. Finally got to have some good Belgium beer again. Didn't really bother me or him any, cool to see you making a deal of it though.
thats the second time ive EVER seen you. i was actually going to offer to buy you a beer and introduce myself.

i havent been a jerk to you in a year?
you have a friend? you were meeting at a venue that costs money to get in? so they wouldnt let you in? you enjoy the belgiAn beer? im making a deal of it?
is your social life that inept that you have been on this messageboard for what a decade? being an arrogant prick because ..? ?

fuck it. ive seen davo at more shows than youll ever go to. blajh blah blha whine whine whine ego ego ego


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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by joseph » Thu Nov 03, 2011 2:54 pm

DaVo wrote:Got the prefect job for you Varg -
somebody please just call this and report back what venue it is?

and MATT- it says FREE BEER how much promo could you do in 15 hours for FREE BEER??

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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by DaVo » Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:26 pm

joseph wrote:
DaVo wrote:Got the prefect job for you Varg -
somebody please just call this and report back what venue it is?

and MATT- it says FREE BEER how much promo could you do in 15 hours for FREE BEER??

See I thought about it until they said Domestic Beer. Now if it was imported, I could spare 15 hours a week.
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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by joseph » Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:45 pm

i didnt think guinness counted anymore as an import? doesnt the US stuff come from canada? its usually cheaper than fat tire crap? maybe ? i dont drink much beer anymore

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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by MATT MUTT » Thu Nov 03, 2011 5:09 pm

joseph wrote:
DaVo wrote:Got the prefect job for you Varg -
somebody please just call this and report back what venue it is?

and MATT- it says FREE BEER how much promo could you do in 15 hours for FREE BEER??
The Gas Lamp, and I'm actually considering helping him.
Last edited by MATT MUTT on Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by joseph » Thu Nov 03, 2011 5:15 pm

MATT MUTT wrote: The Gas Lamp, and I'm actually considering helping him.
ive only been once. some guy threw a beer on the bartender and ran out? i enjoyed that. wish the windows werent there and theres too much neon but id go back. do they have shows? or just shitty/cover bands?

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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by DaVo » Thu Nov 03, 2011 7:56 pm

joseph wrote:
MATT MUTT wrote: The Gas Lamp, and I'm actually considering helping him.
ive only been once. some guy threw a beer on the bartender and ran out? i enjoyed that. wish the windows werent there and theres too much neon but id go back. do they have shows? or just shitty/cover bands?
Yeah only saw one show there and it was TSOL. It isn't a bad room but it just seemed too nice for that show and it felt like live music was an after thought. The thing is it seemed a lot smaller than it did when it was Blues on Grand.
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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by Varg » Thu Nov 03, 2011 9:20 pm

DaVo wrote: I find it funny that you claim to be some spoke person of this community but at the same time claim to have not been inside a venue that hosts a great deal of the shows this community supports in "years". Even in my current grumpy old man phase I've been there three or four times this year and to at least 3 or 4 other local venues a number of times. Could this mean that I'm in fact more active in the local scene then you are? That I am in my old age more active than you are? God that is pretty fucking lame. I'm sure you have all kinds of reasons like you are working on your super important band, writing that great American novel or your bad taste in music is not being represented at the venues or some other pile of pig shit but I'm guessing it's cause you suck. Face it you are just another full of shit nobody.
Spokesperson? Hardly, I've always distanced myself from this community as it's nothing I want to be a part of. It's nothing but hipsters, bums, and drunks. That's why I don't respect anybody here. It should be obvious.

If you're not 'spergin, then you're definitely retarded. How the hell do you equate me "going next door for belgium beer" to "hasn't been to VM in years". Does VM even serve anything other than PBR? You've got to be the dumbest person here- next to now matt mutt and we'll get to that in a second. I've been to VM at least three times this year, probably more. You wouldn't have seen me there because it wasn't for some shitty metal or hipster-metal bullshit show. Although 3IB/HG was pretty close.
Sorry I was busy being a nobody in Chicago half the year being on the Artery Foundation:


What did YOU do this year? (It's a rhetorical question... that means don't answer it.)

elliot wrote:
Varg wrote:patronizing
Varg wrote:(that's right, the Whiskey)

The Whiskey is one of the best known venues in LA. I don't think you understand what patronizing means.

MATT MUTT wrote:Varg would like someone to go to Remins Music by Meral Hay Mall where he works, and kick the dick out of his mouth. at least thats what I was told, just moving the word along.............

If I had a friend that was talking shit to someone I work with, who's three times my size, without my consent and it was reflecting on me- I'd be a little upset about it. But you're clearly an idiot who hasn't thought that far ahead. And if you are speaking on kyle's behalf then he and I can take it up next time I'm in there. As far as you're concerned, I know exactly who you are and I saw you in there a few days ago and if I ever see you in there again you can be damn sure I will remind you of this and you better sing a different tune. Don't for a second think I would hesitate to beat the shit out of someone right in the middle of the store who talks like that to me.
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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by DaVo » Thu Nov 03, 2011 9:54 pm

Varg wrote: Spokesperson? Hardly, I've always distanced myself from this community as it's nothing I want to be a part of. It's nothing but hipsters, bums, and drunks. That's why I don't respect anybody here. It should be obvious.

If you're not 'spergin, then you're definitely retarded. How the hell do you equate me "going next door for belgium beer" to "hasn't been to VM in years". Does VM even serve anything other than PBR? You've got to be the dumbest person here- next to now matt mutt and we'll get to that in a second. I've been to VM at least three times this year, probably more. You wouldn't have seen me there because it wasn't for some shitty metal or hipster-metal bullshit show. Although 3IB/HG was pretty close.
Sorry I was busy being a nobody in Chicago half the year being on the Artery Foundation:
If you are not a spokesperson for this community then you need to stop using words like "Everyone" and "No one here" when you are expressing your opinion since you are only talking for your broke ass Remins Music retail clerk self. Guess that's what you mean by being in the MB. Renting instruments of grade school band geeks. Yeah I have to say that you out rank me in that side of the MB. So next time someone needs to get an busted up trumpet for their 3rd grader, I'll know who to ask. Man you aren't even cool enough to work at guitar center?

Yes VM in fact has a number of imports and Guinnes and Smithwicks on tap but it's only for hipsters. They save the PBR for the grade school band geek retail experts.
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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by inx515xhell » Fri Nov 04, 2011 12:15 am

this seems like it's going to be a six page pissing contest.

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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by Varg » Fri Nov 04, 2011 2:17 am

DaVo wrote: If you are not a spokesperson for this community then you need to stop using words like "Everyone" and "No one here" when you are expressing your opinion since you are only talking for your broke ass Remins Music retail clerk self. Guess that's what you mean by being in the MB. Renting instruments of grade school band geeks. Yeah I have to say that you out rank me in that side of the MB. So next time someone needs to get an busted up trumpet for their 3rd grader, I'll know who to ask. Man you aren't even cool enough to work at guitar center?

I seriously think you are the only person here, or anywhere, that would jump to the conclusion that I'm doing retail at Rieman. You basically just took a giant shit all over 'kylerk' so that's alllllllllllllll between you two now.

You really thought that graduating Cum Laude from a private music school that I would be working retail, not teaching. Man, you are seriously dumber than I thought and you seem to get dumber with every post. That says a lot. You are one sorry son of a bitch.
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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by DaVo » Fri Nov 04, 2011 2:36 am

Varg wrote:
DaVo wrote: If you are not a spokesperson for this community then you need to stop using words like "Everyone" and "No one here" when you are expressing your opinion since you are only talking for your broke ass Remins Music retail clerk self. Guess that's what you mean by being in the MB. Renting instruments of grade school band geeks. Yeah I have to say that you out rank me in that side of the MB. So next time someone needs to get an busted up trumpet for their 3rd grader, I'll know who to ask. Man you aren't even cool enough to work at guitar center?

I seriously think you are the only person here, or anywhere, that would jump to the conclusion that I'm doing retail at Rieman. You basically just took a giant shit all over 'kylerk' so that's alllllllllllllll between you two now.

You really thought that graduating Cum Laude from a private music school that I would be working retail, not teaching. Man, you are seriously dumber than I thought and you seem to get dumber with every post. That says a lot. You are one sorry son of a bitch.
Well, those that can't do, teach.
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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by Varg » Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:05 am

DaVo wrote:

Well, those that can't do, teach.

And those who can't teach, teach gym. Wow, that's your response? After all the stupid bullshit you just spewed? How's that humble pie?

And you're still completely off base. I teach when I'm not on tour, lol, you are so fucking lost and clueless in this conversation it's *almost* not even worth responding to at this point. You're really showing your age and stupidity more than ever. You're a walking joke- I don't even know how this is possible????? Everybody teaches now. Steve Vai even does it while on tour. Stump and Michaud at Berklee, Tosin and all the AAL guys do lessons, STS, BoO, Periphery, etc. etc. etc. And I have some pretty big news about that, but can't say anything yet.
I even had lessons setup during that last serps tour that I had to cancel. I'll be going out again in February I believe. That's all getting worked out right now.
I was very close to teaching at ISU too (but only because I couldn't "do").

Again, how's that humble pie? you fat sack of hipster shit.
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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by DaVo » Fri Nov 04, 2011 4:10 am

Varg wrote:
DaVo wrote:

Well, those that can't do, teach.

And those who can't teach, teach gym. Wow, that's your response? After all the stupid bullshit you just spewed? How's that humble pie?

And you're still completely off base. I teach when I'm not on tour, lol, you are so fucking lost and clueless in this conversation it's *almost* not even worth responding to at this point. You're really showing your age and stupidity more than ever. You're a walking joke- I don't even know how this is possible????? Everybody teaches now. Steve Vai even does it while on tour. Stump and Michaud at Berklee, Tosin and all the AAL guys do lessons, STS, BoO, Periphery, etc. etc. etc. And I have some pretty big news about that, but can't say anything yet.
I even had lessons setup during that last serps tour that I had to cancel. I'll be going out again in February I believe. That's all getting worked out right now.
I was very close to teaching at ISU too (but only because I couldn't "do").

Again, how's that humble pie? you fat sack of hipster shit.
I don't know which is funnier, the fact that you keep posting your resume to impress me and a group of people that you continue to describe as stupid or the fact that it's so easy to get your panties in a bunch. You left yourself wide open with the teaching reference, it's was an easy target and I got the reaction I figured I'd get. More about how clueless I was and how great you are. By the way, I've never heard of ISU being known for it's music program but then again it's not really something I've spent much time looking into.

The fact is that teaching and touring with band that isn't even on the first page of a google search doesn't make you anything more than a struggling musician at best. Oh and it doesn't impress me in the least. I don't care what you did in the isolation of your school. The fact is that school doesn't create artists or new ideas, schools tend to only give the technique and tools or more often create falsely created big egos and general tools.

If your attitude in the real world is anything like what it is on here, you are going to fail. See your attitude expresses a false and weak level of success. If this is any expression of how you teach, you must really suck at it. You know while we or at least I am on the subject of teaching, I have to say that I have seen a great deal of people with huge amounts of ability and education that couldn't write a song to save their life but I've seen a number of terrible to average musician that could write very creatively great songs. Why is that? Were they so caught up in the mechanics and aping other better artist that they lost their own voice or creativity. Or maybe they didn't have any in the first place and really are doing nothing but mimicking their heroes?

I leave with one last thought because I know you love it when I share my little pearls of wisdom. Someone a long time ago told me this and I've found it true time and time again. "Always support talented people because the untalented will always make it on their own." aka "Shit will always float to the top."
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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by joseph » Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:26 am

Varg wrote: I'm not on tour,.

when is your next show? what tour are you playing on? what band are you in? whats your website?

and did you compare your teaching to steve vai? and you are trying to call out Matt? (and kylerv isnt the kyle your referring to)

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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by kylervk » Fri Nov 04, 2011 12:03 pm

joseph wrote:(and kylerv isnt the kyle your referring to)
and with that, im dipping out of this convo. to no longer check this thread

someone post on the big pic. thread or maybe the NHL one


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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by Beaver » Fri Nov 04, 2011 1:18 pm

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Re: vaudeville mews the new house of bricks?

Post by MATT MUTT » Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:53 pm

Kyle has nothing to do whit anyting.

I said what i said cus all the shit your spilling.

I do actually oppoligize about posting where you work though, that wasnt right.

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