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Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 3:05 am
by Varg
In honor of this event I present to you, 2004 Varg with Ann Coulter:



1) Bachmann
2) Paul
3) pAWFULenty
4) Gingrich
5) Romney
6) Cain
7) Not a single fuck was given beyond 6th...

I'd like to see Cain finish strong. Really rooting for him at this stage. Liked Newt last night in the debate- would also like to see him finish strong. Hate Pawlenty, hate Huntsman (oh my God), Used to like Santorum years ago- don't like him at all now. Can't stand Romney. Was starting to get on board with some Paul ideas, but he ended up being a laughing stock at the debate. Will never support him- he can't win anyway. I'm not even sure if Bachmann can win, but I think she'll take the straw poll. Straw Poll doesn't matter anyway- Romney won in '07 and Huckabee got second, lotta good that did them. (Well Huckabee got a show on FOX so I guess it did do him some good...)

Unfortunately I think we're looking at a Romney/Bachmann ticket in 2012 right now. Not stoked on that.

Re: Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:18 am
by elliot
Where is Rick Perry in all of this??

I do think you're right about Romney eventually winning out just...because he's Mitt Romney. And as sick as I'm getting of this whole process and as disappointed in Obama I have become, I'd definitely get in there and vote if Bachmann is on the ticket as Pres or VP nominee. That woman needs to be stopped at all costs.

Re: Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 2:33 pm
by Varg
I picked the top three. Not too shabby if I do say so myself....

Highlight of the day:

Laura Ingraham.


Re: Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:39 pm
by Nick
Where was Rick Perry?

Re: Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:22 am
by Varg
In south carolina being a douche. Seriously low class move on his part. Not a fan.

The day for me started off speaking with Michele Bachmann's campaign media manager. I told her I asked Michele last night why she won't go on The Savage Nation now and she responded that she loved Savage and would go on again anytime- then her husband cut me off and said I needed to speak with the media personnel. Alice was her name I believe, and when I asked her why Michele won't go back on she said "well why would she when he trash-talks her every night?" I said the whole reason he's doing that is because she won't go back on. She went on years ago asking for money from his listeners and he gave her money too. Two nights in a row now this has been going on- and it's a sizeable audience and she's losing fans.
She changed her story to say that they had tried but it didn't work with her schedule and blah blah blah- so I said why don't you just have her go on the show then and clear that up instead of letting him defame her? And it became this whole chicken and egg game. She asked if I was working with him or if I knew how to get on."You're asking ME how to get on the show and YOU are in control of her media appearances?" That set her off and she thanked me for telling her how to do her job. What a dumb bitch.

I actually ran into Laura Ingraham after that and told her all about it. She was stoked on my Savage shirt and I don't think she's a big Bachmann fan. I saw Newt and his wife after that. They were both really nice and patient. I think I bumped into Ron Paul after that and I told him he needed to go on the Savage Nation more often. One of his advisors said 'this week was his first time'- I said I know, I heard it, and I told him briefly about the Bachmann thing and he said something to the effect of her not being able to answer the difficult questions. I couldn't tell if he was an advisor or security because he was big enough but also seemed to be in the know. Everyone working for the Paul camp seemed to be nice and receptive.

Saw Huckabee again over by the Herman Cain tent. Jokingly asked him if he was going to be playing bass again and he said 'that's what they tell me'...and sure as shit he did. It was improv too. Crazy. I missed out on Thaddeus playing guitar but I heard Huckabee say he shreds, lol.

Went back later and saw Hannity. Nice of him to stick around and take pics with everyone. He would shoot the shit with people in the crowd between commercial breaks too.

Stoked that Pawlenty is acting like a bitch after his 3rd place finish. I referred to him as a "douche" not knowing he was being interviewed 10 feet behind me. One of his advisors with him heard then I went on as if I didn't notice and started rambling about how bachmann schooled him and it was pathetic that he couldn't stop talking himself up. Hopefully that's something they can reflect on while they're 're-working' their campaign strategy.

Re: Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:54 am
by inx515xhell

Re: Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 2:26 am
by Shane
3 thoughts:
Varg and my dad would get along well when it comes to politics.

I'd be pretty pumped to get my picture taken with Laura Ingraham.

I probably won't vote in the upcoming election.

Re: Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:26 am
by elliot
Hahahah, I really enjoy the guy with the large NRA tote bag behind you in that pic.

Didn't know who Laura Ingraham was, so thanks for hipping me to another radio host I want nothing to do with.

The only candidate I could possibly support would be Herman Cain, and that's only if he gave every citizen free Godfather's Pizza every day. I'd compromise my beliefs for that in a heartbeat.

Re: Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:18 pm
by Darrin
My old roommate did a photo essay at the Straw Poll, pretty hilarious: ... ll/02jpg-1

Re: Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:50 pm
by Varg
inx515xhell wrote:THIS IS WHAT YOU DO FOR FUN?!?!
elliot wrote:Hahahah, I really enjoy the guy with the large NRA tote bag behind you in that pic.

Didn't know who Laura Ingraham was, so thanks for hipping me to another radio host I want nothing to do with.

The only candidate I could possibly support would be Herman Cain, and that's only if he gave every citizen free Godfather's Pizza every day. I'd compromise my beliefs for that in a heartbeat.
That's who I voted for, but I couldn't eat any of the pizza. I think Branstad ate it all.
Darrin wrote:My old roommate did a photo essay at the Straw Poll, pretty hilarious: ... ll/02jpg-1
Pretty not hilarious. The pictures are horrible even by amateur photography standards. Your roommate had his information wrong right off the bat. The straw poll isn't every four years- it's when there isn't an incumbent, so it varies between 4 and 8 years. Don't know how somebody could make a mistake that big when they're writing an article on the event.

Re: Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 12:46 am
by Darrin
You own a Michael Savage shirt, you obviously couldn't "get it." You are right about the 4 years mistake though.

Re: Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:03 am
by El Rhino
I went for a couple of hours, pretty much long enough to listen to Ron Paul's speech and then vote for him. Other than that, nothing really stood out to me.

RE: "Ron Paul can't win". I've never heard a Democrat or Independent say "You know, I really like what <insert neo-con here> has to say", but I hear that all the time about Dr. Paul. He doesn't get much love from a lot of the Republican base but I'd predict that he would be able to collect all the party-loyalty votes and the majority of independents... especially against Obama.

Re: Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:10 am
by El Rhino
Varg wrote: I missed out on Thaddeus playing guitar but I heard Huckabee say he shreds, lol. .

I'm glad he has something to fall back on - 35 fucking votes? I could've mustered up that many.

Re: Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:40 am
by Varg
El Rhino wrote:I went for a couple of hours, pretty much long enough to listen to Ron Paul's speech and then vote for him. Other than that, nothing really stood out to me.

RE: "Ron Paul can't win". I've never heard a Democrat or Independent say "You know, I really like what <insert neo-con here> has to say", but I hear that all the time about Dr. Paul. He doesn't get much love from a lot of the Republican base but I'd predict that he would be able to collect all the party-loyalty votes and the majority of independents... especially against Obama.
Right, because Paul (and more importantly his SUPPORTERS) is an embarrassment to the GOP and what dem. wouldn't love that? LOL, I'm all for howard dean running in 2016. I'd even vote for him in the Caucus. Look, Paul is campaigning on two issues- ending the fed. and ending the wars/"minding our own business"- that's it. And I don't know why I'm the one that's breaking this to all you Paul supporters but that is not going to even come close to being enough to carry an election. I'm so fucking disgusted with Ron Paul supporters. The 2011 batch is ten times as bad as the 2007 batch because they're YOUNGER and even DUMBER. Paul supporters are completely delusional and extremely hypocritical and hyper-defensive. It's insane and looks really bad for politics on either side. I would be FAR more accepting of Paul if not for his supporters. Shit dude, you even told me yourself that you were about to not vote for him because they wouldn't stop annoying you.

Paul results are not indicative of the voting mass for a lot of different reasons. Paul supporters, because of their age (and the technologically advanced age we live in), are able to organize much better than any other base and sway results to their advantage when they deem necessary. That's why the straw poll was as close as it was. That's not indicative of Iowans, let alone the nation and results like that will not hold up across the country. He seemingly has a monster base, when that's not the case in reality. If Bachmann or Perry had more of a younger base it'd be very intimidating, but we all know that younger people 18-25 typically lean left. (Then once they move out of their parents basement, get a job, and start paying taxes they become conservatives.)

Paul will never be able to win the GOP nomination or GOP respect for many reasons, including but not limited to:
*His current stance on Iran- thinking it's OK to just let them have Nukes. That was a huge fuck-up and it's incredibly irresponsible. Just because there are other countries around them with more nukes doesn't make it OK. That's like giving a toddler a gun and saying it's OK because it's parents have more in the closet. --Perfect analogy if I do say so myself.
*His whole "mind your own business" mentality is irresponsible and based on a pipe-dream of "if we don't bother them, they won't bother us". It's delusional and most MATURE ADULTS understand this because they've had enough life experience to know you can't trust everyone. Not hard to see why this resonates so well with the peace-loving dumbfucks that always got picked on in school.
*He can't figure out where he stands on gay-marriage. Well I mean, sure he knows today, but what about tomorrow? It's a big deal for the GOP base and if he can't decide that, what else can't he decide on?
*Haven't heard him say shit about creating jobs. Probably because he's so busy talking about the only two things he ever talks about- the fed. and ending the wars. The economy is going to be the #1 topic for the 2012 election and 'abolishing the fed' isn't the quick-fix solution.

Santorum really had the best response by quoting Lincoln to Paul regarding the 10th amendment. "The states don't have the right to do wrong". Paul looked really bad in that debate. Lots of hesitation and lots of not very good answers. And of course, no matter what he said, his lackeys in the crowd hooted and hollared louder than anyone just to make a point. Liberals constantly make fun of conservatives for things like that, but I don't see them mocking Paul supporters. I really think they're just sitting back and laughing to themselves. So many facebook posts I read are coming from people who have never had an interest in politics and who also know nothing about politics. They almost seem to go hand in hand. If the straw poll were a house, paul supporters would be the neighbors bringing down the resale value of the entire area because they never mow their lawn and have five broken down cars in the driveway. So many of them were just dirty, unkempt, slack-jawed dipshits. You could spot every single one of them in the crowd.

I've never met a Ron Paul supporter I liked.

Re: Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:52 am
by Varg
I'm so irritated I'm going to respond with more.

This outburst of Paul supporters against Bachmann is pathetic. They can't even take it in stride after he finished SECOND by a handful of votes. Just a bunch of immature cry-baby pee-pants eight year old girls. I didn't vote for Bachmann, but you don't hear me or any other non-Bachmann supporters throwing temper-tantrums. Jesus Christ, you would've thought that he actually lost the GOP nomination at the straw poll.

It's just exactly everything I said about them man. His own supporters are going to be his downfall. They're all conspiracy theorist nutjobs. Well no, that's not true, because you can still be smart and be insane. So they're really nothing more than a bunch of drugged up community college dropout dumbasses.

Here's to your delusions of grandeur goals in 2011.

Re: Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:17 am
by El Rhino
u mad???

Re: Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 3:27 am
by Varg
El Rhino wrote:u mad???
Yes, I am. What's your two-year-old internet meme to respond to that?

Look how dumb these Paul supporters are. Anyone disagreeing with him- nay, anyone who is NOT him, is the ultimate evil. These people are so retarded they would do anything he says. These are the same people that make fun of Christians for "blindly" following Christ and believing in a, while at the same time they blindly follow this guy and know almost nothing about him (and politics in general). I'm constantly proven right by this over and over again. This was a post regarding a video of an interview with Bachmann. "Any Bachmann supporters should just take me off their friends list, blah blah blah I'm only five years old and shouldn't even be allowed to vote because I don't know anything about politics". They can't even tell when I'm openly mocking them:


Didn't even respond to it. And just look how thick that sarcasm is!! How could you not tell??? Once this is exposed, they'll all become hostile because they can't function as mature individuals in society. Watch me proven right again....

Re: Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:31 am
by kurtis
Laura Ingraham has the most annoying voice.

Love the Savage Nation shirt!

Re: Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:52 am
by elliot
I do get really annoyed by all the support Paul gets, especially from extreme liberals who are for some reason easily swayed by the whole "Government is evil! Let's hide our money under our beds!" thing. So don't worry, I'm making fun of Paul people just as much as anyone else.

Re: Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 10:44 am
by joseph
ima say what bullettoof always said.

too many words

Re: Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 10:47 am
by robdigi
"U MAD" is waaaaaay more than two years old. It originated on O'Reilly, you should have known that, Varg.

Anyway, the straw poll is a sideshow. It's irrelevant to all but fringe/underdog candidates. It's also the second most embarrassing reason to see Iowa in the national news behind Slipknot.

Re: Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:47 am
by joseph
the straw poll means almost nothing. its fundraising and free media coverage. yes people bow out but they do that from debates or debacles or whatever.

what ive learned as i get older is all these people are stupid. it all gets dumbed down more and more. its all about faces images and name recognition. which is a pretty good satire of our society.

- and its got nothing to do with a specific party. it all stupid.

Re: Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 12:36 pm
by El Rhino
Wow, it's been a while since something has gotten Varg's goat to this level.

Anyways, the reason I like Ron Paul lies in these Varg quotes:
Probably because he's so busy talking about the only two things he ever talks about- the fed. and ending the wars.
*He can't figure out where he stands on gay-marriage. Well I mean, sure he knows today, but what about tomorrow? It's a big deal for the GOP base and if he can't decide that, what else can't he decide on?

Dealing with a reckless monetary system and maintaining an empire that drains of us money, credibility AND blood across the world is a little more important to me than "preserving the institution of marriage".
*His current stance on Iran- thinking it's OK to just let them have Nukes. That was a huge fuck-up and it's incredibly irresponsible. Just because there are other countries around them with more nukes doesn't make it OK. That's like giving a toddler a gun and saying it's OK because it's parents have more in the closet. --Perfect analogy if I do say so myself.
That's not a very good analogy. A better analogy would be being ok with the fact that the adult down the block has guns because his neighbors do, and we're even camping out on both sides of him with almost all of our guns. Just like Santorum said, Iran isn't Iceland but they're a sovereign nation with a right to defend themselves - and we've meddled in their affairs enough to understand why they don't like us. I'm not interested in taking over the entire middle east because some politicians that have never led anything resembling a heroic life want to play GI Joe. I'm also not interested in doing anything like that on Israel's behalf.

*Haven't heard him say shit about creating jobs.

What kind of a Republican are you?

Re: Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:27 pm
by elliot
El Rhino wrote:I'm not interested in taking over the entire middle east because some politicians that have never led anything resembling a heroic life want to play GI Joe. I'm also not interested in doing anything like that on Israel's behalf.
I'm with ya!

Re: Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 3:29 pm
by tylerjames515
Hey cool, I am on that picture Varg posted with the status. I am not a Ron Paul supporter but the video in question that was posted made Bachman look like a fucking idiot. ...

Re: Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:09 pm
by Bullet Tooth
Whyd you cut out my response on that? Im hurt

Re: Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:46 am
by Varg
El Rhino wrote:Wow, it's been a while since something has gotten Varg's goat to this level.

Anyways, the reason I like Ron Paul lies in these Varg quotes:
Probably because he's so busy talking about the only two things he ever talks about- the fed. and ending the wars.
*He can't figure out where he stands on gay-marriage. Well I mean, sure he knows today, but what about tomorrow? It's a big deal for the GOP base and if he can't decide that, what else can't he decide on?

Dealing with a reckless monetary system and maintaining an empire that drains of us money, credibility AND blood across the world is a little more important to me than "preserving the institution of marriage".
*His current stance on Iran- thinking it's OK to just let them have Nukes. That was a huge fuck-up and it's incredibly irresponsible. Just because there are other countries around them with more nukes doesn't make it OK. That's like giving a toddler a gun and saying it's OK because it's parents have more in the closet. --Perfect analogy if I do say so myself.
That's not a very good analogy. A better analogy would be being ok with the fact that the adult down the block has guns because his neighbors do, and we're even camping out on both sides of him with almost all of our guns. Just like Santorum said, Iran isn't Iceland but they're a sovereign nation with a right to defend themselves - and we've meddled in their affairs enough to understand why they don't like us. I'm not interested in taking over the entire middle east because some politicians that have never led anything resembling a heroic life want to play GI Joe. I'm also not interested in doing anything like that on Israel's behalf.

*Haven't heard him say shit about creating jobs.
What kind of a Republican are you?[/quote]

And just like I said- when asked about job creation Paul supporters are silent. Nothing to respond with because Paul hasn't even addressed it himself yet. It's really pretty terrifying when people put such faith in one person and follow them so blindly. Really takes you back to Germany in 1933...

Re: Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:23 am
by Nick


Re: Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:31 am
by El Rhino
And just like I said- when asked about job creation Paul supporters are silent.
Nothing to respond with because Paul hasn't even addressed it himself yet.
Are you looking for the president to expand government or something to create jobs? Perhaps another war?

As far as job creation goes, he's given the standard lowering (and not-so-standard eliminating) taxes solution and concentrating on expanding exports as well as unfucking our monetary system. Pretty straight forward concepts if you believe in the principle that when people have more money in their hands, shit starts to happen.

It's really pretty terrifying when people put such faith in one person and follow them so blindly. Really takes you back to Germany in 1933..
Oh Varg, we can only wish. :wink:

Also, I like how you mention that he hasn't said anything about creating jobs and somehow that translates into a question that I was supposed to answer but since I missed out on the inquisitive nature of your statement I'm being accused of being evasive and blindly following one man.

Re: Straw Poll 2011

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:47 am
by Walking Thunder
You got beefy, Varg.